Wednesday, January 7, 2009

28 Weeks

Wow! I can't believe I am in my third trimester. How time flies. Our baby will be here in 84 days! Crazy. I am so enjoying feeling him move around in my stomach. He is going to be a music lover like his daddy because when I sing with my kids at school he gets real active. It's fun! The kids are starting to notice him kicking through my clothes and get tickled.

I have been feeling miserably tired these days. I noticed it was all over my face when I saw this picture. I go to the doctor next week and I am going to talk to her about it. I think I need my iron levels and thyroid checked. I am already taking iron twice a day for anemia. I feel like I need a little boost to get me through the next 3 months and to teach with some kind of enthusiasm. We'll see. I will report next week.