Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 Month Old Pictures

Michael is now 10 1/2 months old. With everything that has gone on in the last 2 weeks I didn't get a chance to post these. So here they are now. Michael is definitely one busy guy. He is crawling all over the place. He is now able to sit up on his own. When he sits up he often claps his hands because he is very proud of himself. He is so much fun and I am really enjoying this time with him. I can't believe he's almost 1 year old. Where has the time gone?

I was making up the guest bed and all of a sudden it got real quiet which can never be good. So I started calling for Michael and he wouldn't make a noise or come to me. I kept calling and was like where on earth could he have gone that fast. Well, I heard a little noise under the bed and he was hiding there. I ran and got the camera and got this shot as he was coming out. What a little sneak!

Michael loves to look at and read books. He also LOVES magazines and ads. Going after a magazine is what got him crawling. This is him on the kitchen floor reading the ads that came in the mail that day.